It is Monday... again.
This morning I rolled over in my bed and stared at the clock. Guiltily I calculated that Adam had left almost two hours ago, and that I wouldn't be seeing him again until Sunday evening. This weekend went by too fast. I attended a lecture by Julia Galloway Friday night and her workshop most of Saturday. Sunday was spent cooking for Adam's week away, and if I had not curled up next to his warm body for two nights, I might not have realized he had been home at all. I continued staring at the clock, willing my self to get out of bed.
Since I haven't been able to spend late nights at the Clay Studio my dining room has become, not only the play room, but also a make shift studio. During nap time and after Ivory and Sylvan finally fall asleep I attempt to wrap up the list of things I am trying to finish for the upcoming MADE fair.
Today, during nap time, I attached the handles to bier-steins and trimmed a few plates. I put it all out of reach as soon as little feet pattered across the floor upstairs and resolved to spend the rest of the day doing those house hold chores that keep the household flowing somewhat smoothly: laundry sorted and loaded, dishes washed, dinner made and eaten. I have been trying to figure out what to do with my failed black licorice making attempt from the weekend and finally came up with a solution - soft molasses cookies spiced with anise and nutmeg rather than the cinnamon the recipe calls for. The result was incredible. Without restraint I dunked my finger into the bowl every time I walked past, each time I loaded up a new cookie tray, and honestly, anytime I entered the kitchen.
While the kids splashed wildly in the bathtub, I pulled the last few cookies out of the oven and started the unbelievably frustrating chore of putting those two to bed. (Which is still were we are with our day. Sylvan, because I asked him to lay down, is at this very moment sprawled on the floor next to my bed, grinning up at me with a look that says: "Mom, you can't be mad. I did exactly what you asked me." sigh.)
I hear Ivory knocking on her bed frame and Sylvan is dramatically declaring something - loudly - while climbing in and out of his bed and it feels like the to do list of my day has barely been begun. It is 10:29. I am staring at the clock, willing the kids to bed, and myself back downstairs into the make shift studio. (This girl might just need an 11:00 cup of coffee and a cookie.)
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