Tying up Loose Ends

I finished knitting Adam's present yesterday morning, but didn't manage to tie up all the loose ends until just now.  In between icing the Almond Star Cookies and pulling tonight's pot pie out of the oven, I sat down for a few minutes and now the gift is completely done! FINALLY!

I based the hat on a free pattern that I found online.
I made a few changes.  The most obvious is that I added the curled edge to the hat to make it more hat like.  I also permanently attached this mustache rather than making a few different exchangeable staches.

Well, dinner is ready and Adam just came inside.
The pot pie smells fantastic!


  1. That is hysterical. Especially on you! Can't wait for pix of Adam.

    1. assuming he will let me take a picture of him wearing it!

  2. This solves the problem of winter coldface! Talk about gender equality for those of us who can't grow beards!

    1. Ivory really wants a beard hat as well! I don't think I have time to make her one before Christmas, but maybe we all need to have one. :)

  3. OMG! This is hilarious! I could suggest another type of hat perfect for men, but it wouldn't be politically correct...

    When do you find time to knit, too???


    1. I had to think a moment of what kind of hat you might possibly be talking about... oh, yeah. I got it. :)

  4. Will Adam actually wear this? If he does, you MUST post photo! Care and Maintenance: With runny nose that accompanies cold weather, you may be changing the mustache to detachable!


    1. I don't know Grandma. It is mostly a joke, because every winter he insists on growing this beard of his. He claims it keeps the saw dust and wood chips from hitting his face while he is operating the mill. I am also trying to knit him his Aran Island wool hat again. He keeps loosing it. It is a good thing I wrote down the pattern years ago when I made the first set. I still have mine.


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