DIY - Valentines Day Cards

The past few days have been a little difficult for Ivory and I.  We have been butting heads over everything: putting on clothes, picking up toys, going outside, going inside....    So, I thought a few moments of quality one on one mom and daughter time might be just what she was needing. 
During nap time (Sylvan's) we pulled out the colored paper, glue and scissors.   We cut the cards, flowers, hearts and leaves and glued these together.  By the time I finally went upstairs to wake my little man up we had twelve cards lined up on the table. (I did not expect her attention span to last through quite that many cards.)

What you need:

colored paper
scissors (one for mom and one for the kiddo)

What you do:

  • cut each card to size.  I measured our envelopes and decided to make the folded size of the card 3.5" x 6" with the crease at the top. 
  • cut a six petaled flower for the back ground (or a 5 petaled flower)
  • cut six hearts (or 5)

  • cut the hearts.  To cut the hearts fold a long piece of paper in half as pictured above and draw a column of half hearts on it.  Put on X on each heart.  This is the side that will get glued to the flower. 
  • glue a folded heart onto the back ground flower with the points all pointing to the center.
  • write Happy Valentine's Day! in place of the stem
  • glue on a leaf or two!

This project definitely required teamwork, but aside from using the big paper cutter to cut the cards Ivory did some of everything and still thought it was "a fun project" through the end.


  1. Thanks for posting this fun project with Ivory. And you brought back happy memories for me of making Valentines with little ones.



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