DIY - Stamped Curtains (The Kid's Bedroom)

A little over a month ago I spent hours staring at Joanne's fabric selection.  I had a difficult color pallet to match.  Our bedroom floors are sage.  Adam and I have a two toned yellow bedroom, and Ivory and Sylvan's walls are orange and lilac.  We purchased all paint as partially used cans from Home ReSource.  The result is colorful and fun...  but oh so difficult to match. 
I found a great orange fabric that happens to have a very similar pattern to our dining room drapes, and I was searching for a purple based fabric to hang against the orange walls.  The patters were just so full of bright purple butterflies, flowers and birds... not what I had in mind.  After a while I grabbed an unbleached muslin off of the rack and purchased 5 yards of it with the plan on stamping my own lilac pattern.  
Every window in our house finally has curtains. I finally marked that project off of my list today. 

How to make your own stamped curtain:

what you need: 
fabric paint
a stencil (if you make your own you need card stock, packing tape, exacto knife and cutting mat)
stencil brushes

  • I drew my own stencil on a small piece of card stock (added a more card stock for wider edges since Ivory was going to help me with the project)
  • I taped the front surface with packing tape to protect the paper from moisture

  •  I used an exacto knife and a cutting mat to cut out the negative space of my stencil

  • I marked the center of my pattern with a line, and then placed pins on the bottom edge of my curtain.  Each pin is lines up with the center of the design and is then stamped. 

  •  be careful to keep the bottom side of the stencil clean - helpers make this project slow, but Ivory was very proud to stamp the curtains that are going to be hanging in her room.  How could I deny her that experience?

  •  One panel done!

  • And there the stamped curtain is: hanging against the bright orange wall. 

So, here is our kiddo's bedroom.  The bright orange curtains against the purple wall... Adam built the curtain rods out of walnut board he milled.  They are wonderful! 

The stamped curtain against the orange wall.  Ivory and Sylvan are pulling clothes out of their dress up corner.

The view from my bedroom, mess and all!


  1. This looks SO beautiful and homey, warm, comfy, full of love!!! Ivory will always remember stamping her curtains, I am sure! And the rods are beautiful, too! And I must say, I don't see the mess your're talking about AT ALL!

    Wonderful, job. So proud of all of you!

  2. Your design is so fabulous! Where did you get your inspiration? Customizing your window treatment is a great idea and much cheaper, but it demands patience and effort. Anyway, as long as you enjoy what you're doing, keep it up. But keep in mind that you can always purchase ready-made window treatments.

    1. Thank you. I simplified the pattern that is on the orange curtain and my plum curtains in the dining room. I had really hoped to purchase window treatments, but most of the windows in our house are very tall and the curtains that were on the low end of cost (all be it still too pricey for our budget these days) just didn't look right.


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