"Hugh. That Heavy!" Sylvan sighs and steps out of my path. He follows me, barely a step behind, from the stack of cinder blocks to the freshly leveled earth underneath the maple tree. "Hugh. That Heavy!" I grab a second block. "Hugh. That Heavy!" With each block I lift, he sighs, and walks directly behind me, following my steps. "One More?" "Hugh. That Heavy." Our house came with piles of stuff - not junk exactly - just stuff: bricks, cinder blocks, landscaping rock, pine boards, steel rods, 5 gallon buckets..... "Hugh. That Heavy." Adam's birthday is on Friday. I finally thought of a birthday present. Sure, he has a long list of tools he wants/needs, but I don't dare pick those out for him... not to mention that the tools remaining on his wish list are pricey. Those purchases can not be clandestine operations. But, he also keeps mentioning that he wishes he had a place to burn his piec...