"I made that Mama!" aka Our New (DIY) Fire Pit ... shhh... It is a Surprise!

"Hugh.  That Heavy!"

Sylvan sighs and steps out of my path.
He follows me, barely a step behind, from the stack of cinder blocks to the freshly leveled earth underneath the maple tree.

"Hugh.  That Heavy!"
I grab a second block.
"Hugh.  That Heavy!"
With each block I lift, he sighs, and walks directly behind me, following my steps.
"One More?"

"Hugh.  That Heavy."

Our house came with piles of stuff - not junk exactly - just stuff: bricks, cinder blocks, landscaping rock, pine boards, steel rods, 5 gallon buckets.....

"Hugh.  That Heavy."

Adam's birthday is on Friday.

I finally thought of a birthday present.

Sure, he has a long list of tools he wants/needs, but I don't dare pick those out for him...  not to mention that the tools remaining on his wish list are pricey.  Those purchases can not be clandestine operations.

But, he also keeps mentioning that he wishes he had a place to burn his pieces of scrap wood.

"Hugh.  That Heavy."

We are building a fire pit.
A temporary, deconstruct-able, in the place I someday want a cob pizza oven, good enough for cooking, made from the piles of stuff in our yard fire pit.

"One more?"

"Hugh.  That Heavy."

"All done?"

We shift to the neatly stacked pile of red bricks.  I hand Sylvan a brick and grab two.  We walk back and forth.  He lines the bricks along the top edge.  We walk back and forth.  I am following him, just a step behind.

"I make that Mama."

For the final touch I grab the two matching oven racks (match each other, but not our oven) I found wedged between our stove and the kitchen cabinets.  We place them on top - perfect.

Sylvan inspects the result closely: "All done. I on my motorcycle. Bye bye."

Materials Used: 16 cinder blocks (one on it's side for ventilation), 46 red bricks, 2 oven racks

Expense:  Either $0 or the cost of our house...  however you choose to look at it

Time:  1 hour and a few minutes...  The time it takes to listen to Pea Green Boat  (In case you were wondering where Ivory was during this project)


  1. I was wondering where Ivory was.
    Adam will love his fire pit even more when he hears Sylvan made it. It was good of you to help him.

    1. I can't wait to see Sylvan tell Adam about it! I'm sure it will be very entertaining.

  2. Very resourceful. And very cute--in every way.


    1. Thank you! He loved the fire pit. We also got him a stag horn fern and an orchid. Both plants he keeps mentioning he wants.. now if we can figure out how to keep them alive. They are so tricky.


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