Clean it Up! CLEAN IT UP!!!!

The Northside of Missoula is my neighborhood.
My slice of American Pie

This is where I have chosen to live with the ones I love.

This is where we work, where we recreate, where we dig in the ground to grow gardens, where our children play and where we have found home.

Who made the mess?

And yes - Huttig Building Products Inc. still exists, and yes - they have money. 

What did they leave behind?

The current Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) proposed "Final" Cleanup Plan defines the boundary of my neighborhood, including 20 undeveloped acres in a prime location, as commericial/light industrial. As a result

Our neighborhood is NOT satisfied with this clean up plan.  
There is no reason - no technical, no logistical, no financial - no reason that a residential clean up can not be attained. 

There are 10 days left in the public comment period.  
I vacillate between a sure feeling that the bureaucrats in Helena have to get the message (CLEAN UP OUR NEIGHBORHOOD TO RESIDENTIAL LEVELS!!!!!) and that an intense fear that they will not. That they will forever determine and define the future of our neighborhood.

The Department of Environmental Quality's  mission is to protect, sustain, and improve a clean and healthful environment to benefit present and future generations.  The DEQ strives to make decisions that balance public and private costs and benefits for the greatest public benefit. 

I am the public.  You are the public. 
Hold them to that promise of making decisions to OUR greatest benefit. 

Write a letter. 
Invite some friends - have a letter writing party! 




Write a letter that can shape our future - the health of our children, the health of our environment and the long term sustainability of our neighborhood.

Let them know that anything less than a residential level clean up is not an option at all.  

Who to send your letter to:

Scott Graham
DEQ-Remediation Division
P.O. Box 200901
Helena, MT 59620-0901
406-841-5084 (direct)
800-246-8198 (toll free) 

April 14th, 2014. 

Where to find out more: 

And in our local newspaper - The Missoulian  

A special thank you to my friend and neighbor, Michael Crowe, for taking these fabulous photos. 


  1. I have just now sent a letter to Mr. Graham asking for a decision to require clean up to a residential-safety level.

    Good luck!



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